Mt. Tabor Park

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From US Hwy 26 (Powell Blvd) 0.7 miles W of I-205, turn R on Hwy 213 (SE 82nd).  Go N 0.5 mile, then L (W) on Division St for 1.1 miles.  Turn R (N) on SE 60th Ave and go 0.6 miles.  Turn R (E) and go 0.1 mile to park entrance gate.  Continue uphill 0.6 mile through a R bend and sharp L switchback, park at amphitheater and basketball courts.  To reach the summit from here, either walk up paved road or take the steps that ascend to R about 50 yards beyond the gate.  Note that there are other entrances to the park.

Park hours are 5AM to midnight.

Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Willamette Valley Birding Trail. Click on the Trail Guide and choose the Portland Loop Guide. Section P-9.



Habitat and Birds

Mt Tabor is a volcanic butte and is the best place in the Portland area to view mixed warblers, vireos and flycatchers during spring migration in late April and May.  These can occur anywhere in the park, but generally the loop at the summit has the most activity.  Breeding species include Band-tailed Pigeon, Hutton’s Vireo, and Lesser Goldfinch.  10 different warbler species show at some point each spring, and a total of 14 species have been found with rarities including Ovenbird, Tennessee Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler and Northern Parula.

Winter residents include Townsend’s Warbler, Varied and Hermit Thrushes, Sooty Fox and Golden-crowned Sparrow.


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