Myrtle Point

Home » Birding Locations » Coos County » Bandon Area

Bullards Beach State Park

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Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge/Riverside Drive

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Travel 10 miles S of Coos Bay on 101.  Veer left on to OR-42E, travel 20 miles to Myrtle Point.


Habitat and Birds

There is a good marsh here, as well as open wetlands and open fields.  Watch for freshwater ducks in the marsh. Wintering raptors such as Merlin, White-tailed Kite, and Red-shouldered Hawk are found here, as well as other common raptors and falcons.  In summer this is a good location for swallows, and wetland warblers.  A Broad-winged Hawk was located here in 2007 and a Vermillion Flycatcher was here in 1992