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Sitka Sedge State Natural Area

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Neskowin (45.106084, -123.982913) is a small coastal community located west of Highway 101 about 30 miles south of Tillamook and about 10 miles north of Lincoln City.

The Neskowin Beach State Recreation Site (45.10321, -123.98204) is at the intersection of Highway 101 and Salem Avenue. It is a no-fee Oregon State Park with parking, picnic tables, and restrooms.


Habitat and Birds

Birding the Neskowin Area:  From the northwest corner of the Neskowin Beach State Recreation Site parking area, is a gated pedestrian-only segment of Hawk St. Travel north on this segment of road. A unit of Nestucca Bay National NWR is to the east. At the Neskowin Marsh Golf Course continue north on Hawk St.

Portions of the golf course are seasonally inundated (generally November – May). The golf course is good birding for waterfowl and shorebirds when inundated. Western Bluebird (nesting), Red-shouldered Hawk, and Merlin are seen in this area.

Continue birding (north) along Hawk Street past the Golf Course, at this point another unit of the Nestucca Bay NWR is to your east.

At the “Tsunami Evacuation Route” sign, turn right (east) on the Tsunami Trail to enter the Refuge. The trail is along an old roadbed through coastal forest with wetlands on both sides. At the small footbridge, look and listen for Sora, Virginia Rail, American Bittern, and Green Heron. The trail continues easterly leaving the refuge up into a residential area.

Returning to Hawk St. turn right (north) to continue birding along the Refuge edge. At 0.6 miles there is a gate. Habitats are alternately residential, forest, and wetland. Again, Nestucca Bay NWR is to your east.

To return to Neskowin via Beach: Along this section of Hawk St., 0.5 mile north of the Tsunami Trail at coordinates (45.119247, -123.977688) is a signed Public Beach Access point. From this point, it is possible to return to Neskowin via a beach walk. To take this route from this point leave the road and walk on dune trails to the beach then south to Neskowin. 

To return to Neskowin via surface streets, retrace your route along Hawk Street (south) to Corvallis St. turn right (west), after 0.1 mile the road turns left (south) and becomes Breakers Blvd. Along Breakers Blvd. there are several public beach access points, that provide good views of the beach and open ocean. Marbled Murrelets have been seen just outside the surf in this area. Near the southern end of Breakers Blvd. turn left (east) on Salem St. to return to the Neskowin Beach State Recreation Site. This route crosses a bridge over Hawk Creek.

At the bridge over Hawk Creek, there is a signed and paved beach access trail that goes southerly out to the beach and Proposal Rock. Bald Eagle, Black Turnstone, Ruddy Turnstone (uncommon), Sanderling, Surfbird, Black Oystercatcher, Whimbrel, and a variety of gulls and terns are seen in this area.

The beach can be walked north as far as the mouth of the Nestucca River, approximately 5 miles depending on tides.

eBird Hotspot checklist for Nekowin Area


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