North Mountain Park

Home » Birding Locations » Jackson County » Ashland Area

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

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Hooper Springs

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Lithia Park

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Grizzly Peak Trail

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Pilot Rock

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2060 Road (Ashland/Lithia Park)

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Howard Prairie

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Oredson Todd Reserve/Talent Irrigation Ditch

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Emigrant Lake

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Hyatt Lake (Reservoir)

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Ashland Pond

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Mt Ashland

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Take exit 14 from I-5 in south Ashland and travel west on Ashland Street (Hwy 66) to Hwy 99 and then past the campus of SOU to Mountain Street. Turn north on Mountain and drive 1 mile to the visitor center on your right just before Bear Creek. There are several walking trails here and all can be productive birding sites.


Habitat and Birds

Grasslands, oak woodlands, savannah, and riparian wetlands all exist in small pockets producing microhabitats that attract a wide variety of birds. Things you might see here include Great Egret, Green Heron, Wood Duck, Sharp-shinned Hawk, N. Pygmy Owl (winter), Vaux’s Swift, Anna’s Hummingbird, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Acorn Woodpecker, Western Wood-Pewee, Western Kingbird, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Oak Titmouse, American Dipper, Hermit Thrush, Wrentit, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-breasted Chat, California Towhee, Fox Sparrow, Purple Finch, and Lesser Goldfinch. Source: OFO Publication No. 19, Guide to Birds of the Rogue Valley, Massey & Vroman.
