Painted Cove (No public access)

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Painted Cove Trail - Painted Hills Unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills Unit

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Mitchell (Town)

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills Picnic Area

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Painted Cove is part of a large reservoir called “Painted Hills Reservoir” that is in the NW corner of the monument. After just over 5 miles from Hwy 26, turn into the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. The road will fork. The left fork takes you to a nice picnic area that is worth birding. The right fork takes you to Painted Cove, but the area is privately owned and there is a sign saying “no trespassing.”


Habitat and Birds

This is the largest body of water in the county and is a magnet to waterfowl. Look for many species of ducks, grebes, herons, shorebirds, terns and plenty of other things. Some unusual species here have included Baird’s Sandpiper, Pied-billed Grebe, and Red-necked Phalarope.
