Pioneer Villa Ponds

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Take exit 216 off of I-5 and travel east a few yards and look for Ogle Road off to the north. Take this road 0.25 miles to the Ogle wetlands. You can park on Ogle Road where a deep rutted track heads off east of Ogle Road at the north end of the wetland area. Walk around willows to the north and loop south on the east side. Rubber boots are recommended. To reach the Pioneer Villa Wetlands, drive around the Pioneer Villa Restaurant on the east side and follow the road that runs behind it and ends at the pump house for the two small treatment ponds. Walk south about 200 yards to view the pond bordered by a fence. Do not cross the fence. Do not block access for farm equipment.


Habitat and Birds

This marshy site can produce plenty of waterfowl variety including Blue-winged Teal and Red-breasted Merganser. Look for the occasional Great Egret, Green Heron, or even a night-heron. Shorebirds could include just about anything but recent sightings include dowitchers, Least and Western sandpipers, both yellowlegs, and even a Pectoral Sandpiper.

Ogle Wetlands is mostly a dense willow thicket. Swamp Sparrow has been spotted here in the past. Pioneer Villa Ponds have produced Stilt Sandpiper, Tufted Duck, and White-faced Ibis as rare visitors.
