Prescott Park and Roxy Ann Butte
From I-5 in Medford, take exit 27 and travel east on Barnett Road for 2 miles to N. Phoenix Road. Turn left (north) on North Phoenix and go 1.3 miles (just past the big “S” curve) to Hillcrest Road. Take Hillcrest east for 2 miles and look for a sign to Prescott Park. Turn left and bird the dirt roads here to your heart’s content. There are two gates that are sometimes locked (the second gate is usually locked). If locked, get out and hike the roads. See the brochure (below). A round-trip walk from the second gate is about 4 miles.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Lots of things can show up on this scrubby butte. Mixed conifers are scattered among oak savannah, manzanita, mountain mahogany, and oak woodlands. Oak Titmouse can be found here along with Downy Woodpecker and American Goldfinch. Nesters include California Towhee, Western Wood-Pewee, Ash-throated Flycatcher, House Wren, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Nashville Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, and Lazuli Bunting. Unusual sightings include Merlin, Sandhill Crane, Pygmy Nuthatch, Wilson’s Warbler, and Lark Sparrow. Even Costa’s Hummingbird has been found here in the past.
Source: OFO Publication No. 19, Guide to Birds of the Rogue Valley, Massey & Vroman.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Medford and Bear Creek Park
- Bear Creek Greenway
- Applegate River and Reservoir
- Lower Table Rock Nature Conservancy Reserve
- Tou Velle State Park/Denman Wildlife Management Area
- Valley of the Rogue State Park
- Lynn Newbry Park
- Kirtland Ponds (White City Lagoons)
- Upper Table Rock
- Whetstone Savannah Nature Conservancy Reserve