Sheridan Wetlands

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Willamina Fishing Pond (AKA Hampton Park or Huddleston Fishing Pond)

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Willamina Sewage Ponds

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Sheridan Wetlands includes four sewage ponds, a fishing pond, and another small pond. Turn off Hwy 18 at exit 33 and go south on Ballston Road.  There is no access inside the sewage ponds fence, but there are three viewpoints to observe the ponds from the outside, using a scope. The first viewpoint is half way down the on-ramp from Ballston Road to Hwy 18 eastbound at a triangle between the off-ramp and the on-ramp. This provides a close look at the large west pond. The second viewpoint is at the back of Green Crest Cemetery. Park out of the way and walk along the edge of the mowed grass.  This provides the best look at all four ponds, but from a greater distance. The third viewpoint is from the fishing pond.  The entrance to the fishing pond is labeled South Park, south of the cemetery. (45.085237, -123.395517). One can walk to the east end of the fishing pond and look at the two south sewage ponds.  The viewing angle is closer, but lower. You can also view the fishing pond and check the small pond below the entrance road.


Habitat and Birds

Sheridan Wetlands is the best place in the county for waterfowl, gulls, and shorebirds.  The sewage ponds host many nesting Mallards in summer, migrating swallows,  shorebirds, scoters and grebes in fall, and large numbers of shovelers  and Ruddy Ducks in winter. Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons visit.

The fishing pond often has Hooded Mergansers.  The willows between the fishing pond and the sewage pond have held Willow Flycatcher, Yellow Warbler, Northern Shrike, and Black Phoebe. After storms pelagic birds like scoters, jaegers, Red Phalarope, and Sabine’s Gull have been found at the ponds. Check the small pond below the entrance road for Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher, and ducks.


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