Spencer Butte
From I-5, take exit 194 to I-105 westbound. Proceed on I-105 to its end on Jefferson St. Proceed southward on Jefferson to 13th Ave. Take a left on 13th Ave. and go about 6 blocks. Turn right on Willamette Street. Proceed approximately 5 miles to the Spencer Butte parking area on left.
Additional information can be found at the following link. http://eugeneareaparks.com/park.php?id=13
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
The area is a mixed forest with a grassy bald area at the top of the butte. Owling is usually productive on this butte. Western-Screech, N. Saw-whet, Barred, Great Horned, and N. Pygmy-Owl can all be found here. Vaux’s Swift can be overhead in the summer and Pileated Woodpecker is relatively common. Mountain species like Cassin’s Vireo, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Hermit Warbler, and Red Crossbill have all been found here in the proper season. It’s a good place to find a variety of thrush with Hermit, Swainson’s, and Varied thrushes as well as American Robins. Townsend’s Solitaire and Canada Jay is possible but not to be expected.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Clearwater Park
- Mount Pisgah Arboretum and Buford Park
- Fern Ridge Reservoir - Kirk Park
- Fern Ridge Reservoir - Royal Avenue Access
- Delta Ponds
- Meadowlark Prairie - Checkermallow Access
- Meadowlark Prairie - Green Hill Overlook
- Lane Community College Ponds
- Fern Ridge Reservoir - Perkins Peninsula Park
- Stewart Pond
- Fern Ridge Reservoir - Fisher Butte Unit
- Fern Ridge Reservoir - East and West Coyote Units
- Skinner Butte