Storey Burn Road

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Take OR 6 west from Glenwood for about 6.1 miles and turn north onto Storey Burn Road. After just over 5 miles, the road ends at a yellow gate. From the gate itself it is an easy 1.5 mile hike up to Larch Mountain to the west. The large clear-cut past the yellow gate is the most reliable spot in Washington County to find Common Nighthawk in summer. The road itself has a variety of habitats to offer and is a rewarding birding site in late spring. While the lower elevations should have Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo and Black-throated Gray Warbler, the mid and higher elevations can produce Red Crossbill, Evening Grosbeak, Northern Pygmy-Owl and Varied Thrush. Sooty Grouse is also possible. The clear-cuts en route to the gate usually have Olive-sided Flycatcher. Watch in the scrubby areas for MacGillivray’s Warbler. Hermit Warblers are abundant at higher elevations.


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