Sumpter/Sumpter Valley Dredge State Heritage Area

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Powder River Recreation Trail

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From Unity Reservoir to Whitney

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Phillips Reservoir

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Murray Reservoir

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To reach the city of Sumpter, take Hwy 7 south of Baker City and then west for about 25 miles to the Jct of Hwy 7 and Hwy 220 (Hwy 410). Take 220 another 3 miles into Sumpter. To find the Sumpter Valley Dredge State Heritage Area, look for signs about 0.5 miles before entering Sumpter. The State site in the City of Sumpter has small graveled trails paralleling the Powder River and Cracker Creek. Some facilities are available in the city and at the park. In summer, you can take the train for a tour of the old gold mine area.


Habitat and Birds

Conifer Forests and cottonwood-willow riparian areas along the Powder River. Species that can be seen here include Black-headed Grosbeaks, Gray Catbirds, swallows, vireos, and forest finches. There are some ponds in the area that may contain cattails. Look for American Bittern and various waterfowl.
