Sunset Bay State Park

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Charleston Area & OIMB

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Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website.  Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail. Click on the South Coast tab and go to section 108. From Hwy 101 in North Bend, travel S and follow signs to Charleston, turning W (R) onto Newmark St.  Go 3 mi, turn L on Empire Blvd/Cape Arago Hwy (540), drive 7 mi to the park.

Park Map & Brochure


Habitat and Birds

Several species of gulls can be found on the beach here.  A network of hiking trails up to Cape Arago has forest species such as woodpecker, wrens and sparrows as well as views of cliffs and rocks supporting Oystercatchers and Turnstones. In winter both Marbled and Ancient Murrelet can sometimes be seen.  A Tropical Kingbird found was here in 1983.
