Umpqua R. Between Reedsport and Elkton

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From Reedsport, take Hwy 38 east along the river to Elkton

There are many pulloffs along the way to view the river.

There are a couple of small parks along the way including Dean Creek, Umpqua landing State Park 43.653446, -123.909619 and Scottsburg Park 43.651541, -123.851021.

Elkton Community Education Center is worth a stop for hummingbirds and passerines

Some of the side roads will take you into forested lands at higher elevations to increase your species list


Habitat and Birds

Large river, riparian, mixed-aged conifer-hardwood stands, cattle and sheep ranches

Large rafts of scaup and other ducks rest near the east end of Dean Creek Elk area on the river Oct. thru March. Look for Bald Eagles in the winter and stop frequently to search the marshy areas for various species. Double-crested cormorant, Trumpeter Swan recorded several times, Osprey, Black-headed grosbeak, Bullock’s oriole, Rufous hummingbird,

Wrentit and other low elevation passerines
