Valley Memorial Park and Cemetery

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Evergreen Park

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On Hwy 8 about 1.5 miles east of Shute Park.


Habitat and Birds

The main feature of this park is a shallow u-shaped pond that usually has a large number of waterfowl in fall, peaking just before the pond freezes up. This usually occurs at the first hard frost of the season. The duck numbers usually rebound to a point, but never fully to the numbers seen earlier in the fall. Eurasian Wigeon is annual, so is an appearance of a Common Goldeneye. Several Fox Sparrows winter in the park and at least one Belted Kingfisher is among the year-round residents. Summer is the slowest season in the park, but a few Western Wood-Pewee, Wood Duck and Black-headed Grosbeak are usually around. In summer 2009, up to 3 Willow Flycatcher were seen for several weeks, so breeding may have been at least attempted. A “No Trespassing” is posted, but birders are encouraged by the management to hike the trail around the pond.
