Valley of the Rogue State Park
This park is located between Rogue River and Gold Hill off of I-5. Take exit 45B and follow the signs to the park. Check out the settling ponds on the west end of the park (you may have to hike to these).
Valley of the Rogue State Park website
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Dry oak woodland that borders the Rogue River. In one recent survey, 90 species were located in this park over the course of one year. Waterfowl can be found at this location as they loaf in the slower regions of the river. Ducks, geese, and herons are found here routinely. Band-tailed Pigeons have been seen at this location as have Acorn Woodpeckers, Red-breasted Sapsuckers, and Pileated Woodpeckers. The riparian area hosts Western Wood Pewee, Black Phoebe, Cassin’s Vireo, Hutton’s Vireo, Wrentit, various warblers, 7 species of sparrow, Purple Finch, and Lesser Goldfinch. In 1999 an Eastern Phoebe was seen at this location.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Bear Creek Greenway
- Upper Table Rock
- Medford and Bear Creek Park
- Lower Table Rock Nature Conservancy Reserve
- Applegate River and Reservoir
- Lynn Newbry Park
- Kirtland Ponds (White City Lagoons)
- Tou Velle State Park/Denman Wildlife Management Area
- Whetstone Savannah Nature Conservancy Reserve
- Prescott Park and Roxy Ann Butte