Whyte Park Rest Area (Rock Creek Crossing)

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Hwy 206 Mountain Overlook

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Olex/Hwy. 19

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Cottonwood Canyon/JS Burres State Parks

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Rock Creek (north) from Olex

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Condon to Olex via Wolf Hollow and Upper Rock Cr. Roads

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From Condon, travel east on  206 for 10.7 miles to the Whyte Park Rest Area/Rock Creek Crossing. Once done birding this location, return to Condon.


Habitat and Birds

Extensive riparian area along Rock Creek at the bottom of a canyon. Warbling Vireo, Bullock’s Oriole, Western Kingbird, Lazuli Bunting, Rock/Canyon Wren, warblers, flycatchers and a good place in the county consistently to find Black-Capped Chickadee. One report of Gray Catbird and a Red-Eyed Vireo was seen in May. Also watch for raptors. Slow in the summer but if there is water, it’s worth checking out. One should spend time checking the entire stretch of trees as something good might be hiding in there.
