Willamina Sewage Ponds
To visit the Willamina Sewage Ponds travel south on Hwy 18 from Main Street about five blocks and turn left (east) on Adams Street. Take Adams to the facility (45.074852, -123.482205). Park outside the gate (do not enter) and walk north along the RR tracks. There are two ponds and a dividing dike, plus piping, all covered in plastic. Birders willing to climb the berm can look through the fence. You can also walk around to the east side for a better view of the east pond through the fence. Since it is along the river, a walk around the ponds can also be good for passerines. It should be noted that the pond south of the main gate is in Polk County. There is no satisfactory viewpoint.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
A main attraction on these ponds is Wood Ducks and other waterfowl. Black Phoebe can be expected. In fall migration shorebirds may be on the edges. A Heermann’s Gull was observed once. A Barrow’s Goldeneye wintered here years ago.