Refuge Trees: Homestead Era Oases at Malheur NWR
The High Desert Museum will offer a Natural History Pub presentation at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., in Bend. Old stands of largely cottonwood trees grow […]
The High Desert Museum will offer a Natural History Pub presentation at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., in Bend. Old stands of largely cottonwood trees grow […]
This is the second in a series of six free field experiences, held monthly, to be offered for new birders, birders who are new to Central Oregon, or others who […]
This is the third in a series of six free field experiences, held monthly, to be offered for new birders, birders who are new to Central Oregon, or others who […]
The Prineville Bird Club meets every second Thursday of the month, at the Crook County Library and usually in the Broughton Room. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. Doors open […]
Ken Hashagen will share his experiences and photos from a tour of Antarctica, South Georgia and The Falkland Islands. Join us at the Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave. or […]
April 5 - Ryan Meadow trails Carpool at 8:00 from the big parking lot off Simpson near the Pavilion All locations are listed on the ECBA website. Select tab for […]
April 12 - High Lakes, Wickiup etc. Carpool from Bend at 8:00 from south side of Deschutes River Woods Store or 8:45 from Park and Ride at Wickiup Junction. If […]
The Prineville Bird Club meets every second Thursday of the month, at the Crook County Library and usually in the Broughton Room. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. Doors open […]
April 19 - Calliope Crossing, Indian Ford CG, Indian Ford Creek across the highway. Meet to carpool at 8 am. at Village Greens. All locations are listed on the ECBA […]
Emily Weidner of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will talk about recent developments in the science and status of Greater Sage-Grouse in Eastern Oregon. Join in live at the Environmental […]
April Birding Basics: Field Experience Attention novice birders, birders new to Central Oregon, and those who want a refresher course! ECBA is offering a series of free field experiences designed just for you. […]
Earth Day Fair and Parade 2023 will take place on Saturday, April 22nd from 11am-3pm in downtown Bend. An Environmental Center event, this family-friendly event typically features a lively and […]
April 26 - Whiskey Springs. Location changed to Tumalo Reservoir! All locations are listed on the ECBA website. Select tab for Birding Locations, choose the county and you get a […]
May 3 - Agency Plains north of Madras to find LB Curlews etc, then Warm Springs boat ramp and on to the trail by the museum. Visit the museum! All […]
Birders' Night in May will be held via Zoom and will feature John Marzluff, PhD. speaking on the topic "Of Ravens, Wolves and People."
May Birding Basics: Field Experience Attention novice birders, birders new to Central Oregon, and those who want a refresher course! ECBA is offering a series of free field experiences designed just for […]
ECBA's signature annual event, the Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival, will be held June 1-4. The festival was started in 2011 to provide an opportunity to birders to visit a beautiful […]
June Birding Basics: Field Experience Attention novice birders, birders new to Central Oregon, and those who want a refresher course! ECBA is offering a series of free field experiences designed just for […]
This is a tentative schedule which can always be altered for exciting opportunities for birds elsewhere, adverse road or weather conditions, etc. When directions aren't given, the intent is to encourage […]
June 21 - Deschutes River Trail, Lava Island. Some of you have already been there this season and can direct others to spots for highlights. Gray Catbird is the celebrity […]
June 28 - Prairie Farm etc. on Green Ridge. Walking along the creek below the dam can be a great spot for thrushes and warblers, i.e., Nashville, etc. Try going […]
July 5 - Santiam Pass, PCT for Northern 3-toed, and Lost Lake
July 12 - Todd Lake, Sparks Lake. Arrive early to find parking. Walk the trails around the lakes for finches, chickadees, RS Hawks and waterfowl. Walk 2 to 3 miles.
July 19 - Warm Springs. Boat ramp area, trail near sewage treatment area and then Museum trail. Consider supporting the museum by visiting exhibits.
July 26 - p.m. birding Millican area. Finish after dusk with Poorwill. Time TBD
August 2 - Tumalo Res and Hatfield.
August 9 - Haystack for shorebirds, waterfowl. Springs and and Gray Butte if mid-day temp permits.
August 16- Lower Bridge, Redmond Sewer Ponds. Willows at Lower Bridge and Lynx could be stuffed with migrants.
Aug 23 - Cascade High Lakes. Begin with willows along "kiosk ponds" at Wickiup and loop around to North, Wickiup Butte, etc. Passerines and shorebirds are on the move.
August 30 - shorebirds. Hotspots TBD
September 6 - Hatfield, Houston Lakes and CRWC
Sept 13 - Wickiup, Crane Prairie, Sheep Bridge, etc
Sept 20 - Smith Rocks trails (state park pass in each vehicle), ag fields to the east, Redmond ponds
Join us for Birders' Night with a presentation of "A History of Oregon Ornithology: From Territorial Days to the Rise of Birding" by Alan L. Contreras.
ECBA and the Deschutes Land Trust invite you to join us for a morning of (mostly) quiet shared enjoyment of our local birds. This is a free event, but limited to […]
ECBA and the Deschutes Land Trust invite you to join us for a morning of (mostly) quiet shared enjoyment of our local birds. This is a free event, but limited to […]
Photo credit: Jim Moodie - Pygmy Nuthatches. Our Annual Event will be on Sunday, October 8th at 4pm at Worthy Brewing. ECBA is hoping that you will join us […]
Mark your calendars for October Big Day—14 Oct 2023! Like Global Big Day, October Big Day is an opportunity to unite around our shared love of birds. Last October, nearly 35,000 people from […]
Bald Eagle photo by Chuck Gates. Project leader, David Vick, has announced that he is scheduling the "official" count for the weekends of Oct. 14th - 15th and Oct. 21st […]
ECBA and the Deschutes Land Trust invite you to join us for a morning of (mostly) quiet shared enjoyment of our local birds. This is a free event, but limited to […]
Pinyon Jays - Abbott Schindler October Birders' Night: Wild Stories from the History of Bird Migration Research Join us for a Birders' Night presentation from Rebecca Heisman. We've all heard […]
Bald Eagle, photo by Chuck Gates. Project leader, David Vick, has announced that he is scheduling the "official" count for the weekends of Oct. 14th - 15th and Oct. 21st […]
Tundra Swan | Jack Williamson November 16 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Environmental Center 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend, OR Trumpeter swan restoration at Summer Lake Wildlife Area. Martin St. […]
Bend CBC, Saturday, December 16th The 56th Bend Christmas Bird Count will be held on the first Saturday of the count period, December 16th. Many of the sector leaders have […]
Summer Lake CBC, Tuesday, December 19th Please join us for the 36th annual Summer Lake CBC. The plan is to meet at the ODFW Summer Lake Wildlife Headquarters at 7:30am on […]
Sunriver CBC, Wednesday, December 20th Everyone is welcome to join us for the Sunriver 'Christmas' Bird Count on December 20th. This event is generously hosted by the Sunriver Nature Center […]
Madras CBC, Wednesday, December 27th Birding Volunteers will meet at Madras Black Bear Diner on Wednesday Dec. 27, from 7:00 - 8:30 am.for handouts, maps and assignments. Later pick […]
Prineville CBC - Sunday, December 31st This count circle has extensive private land holdings with limited access. Consequently, it's not the kind of count that requires a huge number of […]
East Cascades Bird Alliance Board of Directors meets monthly, on the first Tuesday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Board meetings are held virtually, via Zoom, and are open to […]
Redmond CBC, Wednesday, January 3rd Contact: Mike Golden, 541-420-5814,
Tuesday, January 9th, the Klamath Basin Audubon Society public meeting's program will be: A Natual History of Oregon's Lake Abert presented by Ron Larson (see the attachments to read the […]
Join Great Basin Bird Observatory for the first of our January Lecture series at the South Valleys Library, in the Diamond Room. We will feature talks each Wednesday evening in […]
Zoom in or join us in-person at 6:00 PM in the Lare Meeting Room of the Sparks Library for this hybrid presentation. Jess Buelow is a PhD student at the […]
Join ONDA for the inaugural event of the 2024 High Desert Speaker Series—a captivating online presentation delving into the diverse species of bees thriving in Oregon’s high desert. Presenter Lincoln […]
Lauren Whitenack will present in person and GBBO will host and provide snacks. We will also have a fun bird trivia challenge! Lauren Whitenack is a PhD student at UNR […]
he Remarkable Native Bees of Central Oregon Did you know Oregon has more than 700 species of native bees?!? We say “more than" because, in fact, no one actually knows […]
Mark your calendars! The 10th annual Willamette Valley Bird Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, February 3, 2024. Registration opens on Friday, 15 December, 2023! Ticketing is through University Events: To celebrate […]
Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands is one of the largest conservation opportunities in the country. Join ONDA Board Members, Elisa Cheng and Natasha Bellis, at a 2024 High Desert Speaker Series event as they […]
East Cascades Bird Alliance Board of Directors meets monthly, on the first Tuesday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Board meetings are held virtually, via Zoom, and are open to […]
Birds Imagined in Music How would you capture the essence of birds in music? Have you ever wondered about this? If so, you’re in good company! Rebekah Lambert and Mike […]
The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is Coming... Welcome to the New Year! We've been busy gearing up for another incredible February event. In the next few weeks, consider spreading the word about the […]
The Real Dirt on Soil! It’s ALL about soil! Soil is a critical part of the natural world that is perhaps the least understood. That’s why the Deschutes Land Trust […]
Dec-Feb: No wetland walks due to cold temps, little water, and few birds. ~ We will resume on the first Saturday of March. ~ Volunteers from the Crooked River Wetlands and Prineville Bird […]
East Cascades Bird Alliance Board of Directors meets monthly, on the first Tuesday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Board meetings are held virtually, via Zoom, and are open to […]
Birding by Ear is a weekly bird walk led by ECBA volunteer Dave Tracy. Meet at Sawyer Park at 8 a.m. prepared to walk a mile on flat, sometimes muddy, […]
Spend an evening with Dr. Cristina Eisenberg, Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Maybelle Clark Macdonald Director of Tribal Initiatives in Natural Resources at Oregon State University, as part of […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]
An Introduction to the Klamath Tribes Join Gabriann Hall of the Klamath Tribes and the Deschutes Land Trust for an evening centered around the Klamath Tribes. Gabriann will share her […]
Title: The Incredible Uniqueness of Baby Birds' Developmental Journey by Elise Wolf Step into the enchanting world of baby bird development! What's so intriguing about these feathered marvels? Most baby […]
Birding by Ear is a weekly bird walk led by ECBA volunteer Dave Tracy. Meet at Sawyer Park at 8 a.m. prepared to walk a mile on flat, sometimes muddy, […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]
Birding by Ear is a weekly bird walk led by ECBA volunteer Dave Tracy. Meet at Sawyer Park at 8 a.m. prepared to walk a mile on flat, sometimes muddy, […]
East Cascades Bird Alliance Board of Directors meets monthly, on the first Tuesday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Board meetings are held virtually, via Zoom, and are open to […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]
We lead walks every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from April through October. Due to frigid conditions, we only meet on the 1st Saturday in November and March. […]
Birding by Ear is a weekly bird walk led by ECBA volunteer Dave Tracy. Meet at Sawyer Park at 8 a.m. prepared to walk a mile on flat, sometimes muddy, […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]
Spend an amazing weekend witnessing the spectacular spring migration in the Harney Basin of Southeast Oregon. View thousands of migratory birds as they rest and feed in the wide-open spaces […]
Birding by Ear is a weekly bird walk led by ECBA volunteer Dave Tracy. Meet at Sawyer Park at 8 a.m. prepared to walk a mile on flat, sometimes muddy, […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]