June 21 - Deschutes River Trail, Lava Island. Some of you have already been there this season and can direct others to spots for highlights. Gray Catbird is the celebrity bird there. Meet at 7:00 for carpooling at the Park and Ride off Simpson, near The Pavilion or meet at 7:30 at the start of birding […]
June 28 - Prairie Farm etc. on Green Ridge. Walking along the creek below the dam can be a great spot for thrushes and warblers, i.e., Nashville, etc. Try going up to the hawk watch site for Hermit and Townsend's, maybe Pileated and Sooty Grouse. Bear Springs and Whiskey Springs can be visited to end […]
July 12 - Todd Lake, Sparks Lake. Arrive early to find parking. Walk the trails around the lakes for finches, chickadees, RS Hawks and waterfowl. Walk 2 to 3 miles.
Aug 23 - Cascade High Lakes. Begin with willows along "kiosk ponds" at Wickiup and loop around to North, Wickiup Butte, etc. Passerines and shorebirds are on the move.