Crook County

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Mill Creek Road

Crook County | East Of Prineville

The road follows Mill Creek as it comes out of the Ochoco Mountains. Farmland straddles the river for several miles and junipers can by found to the west. The pavement ends after a few miles but the dirt road is well maintained. Bushtits and Ash-t...

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Mud Springs Campground

Crook County | East Of Prineville

At campground there is an old road that leaves the grounds on the eastern side (behind restrooms near corral).  You can do a loop around CG if  you take this road and go down and around the small reservoir. This is a great area for multiple wood...

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North Shore Road

Crook County | South Of Prineville

Open water, riparian scrub and juniper are found here. This is simply one of the best places to bird in Crook County (except in winter and early spring until the willows leaf out). The riparian area close to the Crooked River is excellent for fall...

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O’Neil Valley

Crook County | West Of Prineville

THERE ARE FEW TURNOUTS AND PLENTY OF TRAFFIC ON THIS ROAD SO BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU STOP.  This valley is covered with agricultural fields, marshy lands and rough ground. Wintering raptors hunt this area and large flocks of Canada ...

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Ochoco Ranger Station

Crook County | East Of Prineville

The Ranger Station has been dismantled but the habitat remains in and around the campground.  Riparian areas and mixed conifers dominate. This area holds all the common forest birds. Hammonds and Dusky Flycatchers can be found here and the meadow...

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Ochoco Reservoir

Crook County | East Of Prineville

A large lake with surrounding rimrock. The reservoir can hold good numbers of waterfowl, including Common Loon and Western Grebe. Clark’s Grebes can be found here. In the summer, look for Tree Swallows, Canyon Wrens, Great Blue Herons, and A...

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Powell Butte Area

Crook County | West Of Prineville

The agricultural fields hold high numbers of wintering raptors, flocks of blackbirds and sparrows. Drive the farmlands in winter for hawks (Rough-legged, Red-tailed, Ferruginous, Northern Harrier…) and falcons (American Kestrel, Prairie, and...

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Crook County | Prineville Area

The town of Prineville can be productive as a birding location. The neighborhoods between N. 3rd and Lynn Blvd on the south side of town have plenty of fruiting trees for waxwings and birches for the finches. The north side of town, near the hospi...

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Prineville Reservoir

Crook County | South Of Prineville

The lake often hosts Common and Pacific Loons and good numbers of ducks in late fall. Surf Scoters are almost annual here.  Check with the camp host at Prineville Reservoir and they will tell you about the nesting Great Horned Owls. Prineville Re...

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