Grant County
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Mt. Vernon Area
Look for Wild Turkeys along the first three miles of Ingle Creek Road, especially during the winter. Highway 395 travels north up Beech Creek toward Fox Valley and Long Creek. About 10 miles north, county road 32 goes east up the East Fork Beech C...
Olive Lake
This high mountain lake is just over 6000 feet in elevation. A mixed conifer forest surrounds the lake. Possible species at this location include Common Goldeneye, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, Ruffed Grouse, Dusky Grouse...
Prairie City Area
Highway 26 between John Day and Prairie City is excellent for hawks and Bald Eagles during the winter. Check the gravel/sand pit north of the highway just west of Pine Creek Road for Bank Swallows (
Silvies Valley
Average elevation is 4600’. Check out the fields and ponds for waterfowl, cranes and geese. At the north end there is a row of willows about ¼ mile south of the highway where Bobolinks may often be found.
...Strawberry Mountain Wilderness
Strawberry Mountain rises over 9000’ in this wilderness, and the main east/west ridge averages about 8000’ in elevation. The 1640 road off of the 16 road (that terminates in Seneca) takes you to two trailheads: Road’s End and High Lake. ...
Summit Prairie
This high elevation meadow can be good for forest species and meadow lovers alike. Long-billed Curlew often can be found in spring and Sandhill Cranes have nested in the past. Bobolink is a possibility.