Huckleberry Gap
Jackson County | Crater Lake Area
High altitude wet meadow with rock outcroppings; birds include Sparrows, many Flycatchers, Lazuli Bunting, and Townsend’s Solitaire. For more info see
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Jackson County | Crater Lake Area
High altitude wet meadow with rock outcroppings; birds include Sparrows, many Flycatchers, Lazuli Bunting, and Townsend’s Solitaire. For more info see
Mixed conifer forest and mountain lake habitat. The lake itself may contain several duck species including American Wigeon, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Ring-necked Duck, Bufflehead, and Hooded Merganser. The woods around the lake should h...
Jackson County | North County Sites
Large reservoir with expansive mudflats seasonally, surrounded by pine forest; Many migrant and wintering waterfowl, including Goldeneyes, Hooded Merganser, scoters, and a variety of loons, gulls and grebes; nesting species include Varied and Swai...
Jackson County | North County Sites
This is a mixed conifer forest. Birds here are what you would expect from a forest like this. Sooty Grouse, Mountain Quail, Cooper’s Hawk, Hairy Woodpecker, Red Crossbills, Cassin’s Finches, Western Bluebird, Townsend Solitaire, Wrenti...
A drivable road goes around the accessible portion of this pond allowing for some mud flat and some open water viewing. This is a famous Jackson County location because it has produced so many unusual birds. That list includes both golden-plover...
Jackson County | Lake Of The Woods Area
Lake Creek is most famous for a Brown Thrasher found in 2002. More recently, birds seen around this area include Barrow’s Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Eared Grebe, Western Bluebird, Gray Catbird (not to be expected), and Varied Thrush. This ...
Birds found in Lithia Park include Great Blue Heron, Canada Geese, Common Merganser, Wood Duck nest here, American Kestrel, Red-tailed Hawk, Acorn, Downy, and possibly Lewis’s Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Band-tailed...
Jackson County | North County Sites
This mountain lake is next to the highway and offers a good break from the long drive between Central Oregon and the Rogue Valley. The birds here are much the same as the other lakes. In the fall, water levels drop and shorebird flats are created....
A bird list here includes California Quail, Great Egret, Bald Eagle, Vaux’s Swift, Anna’s Hummingbird, Lewis’s WP, Pileated WP, Acorn WP, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Hutton’s Vireo, Oak Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown...
This 2.46-acre site, which is located on the east side of Bear Creek along the Bear Creek Greenway, provides wildlife viewing opportunities including steelhead and salmon in Bear Creek. Birds found in this riparian corridor include Wood Ducks, Com...
Jackson County | North County Sites
Riparian and open water wetland below Lost Creek dam host wintering waterfowl including Wigeon species, Ring-necked Duck, Bufflehead, and Redhead; paved access roadway with parking areas and benches for waterfowl viewing at close range; nesting wa...
Jackson County | North County Sites
Ponds and dry meadow bordered by agriculture and mixed conifer forests; Good transition zone for wide diversity of species; resident waterfowl, Bald Eagle, Great Gray Owl, and Steller’s and Gray Jays; nesting Williamson’s Sapsuckers, and Sandh...