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ODLT Volunteer Opportunity–Burrowing Owl Dig

October 2, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 3:00 pm

Where: Brothers area
What: Oregon Desert Land Trust (ODLT) needs six or more volunteers to dig holes for artificial burrows for burrowing owls at their Brothers-Shaw property. The project is based on models that have proven successful in similar efforts. A wildlife camera will also be installed to monitor any increased activity.
When: Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024  10:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Why: Burrowing owl activity has stopped in the area and creating artificial burrows could assist with their return. Burrowing owls are considered birds of conservation concern both federally and in Oregon. For nesting, they depend heavily upon burrows created by other species, especially badgers, and sites with a lot of bare ground. Both preferences would be met at this project site.
ODLT formed in 2017 to conserve private lands in Oregon‘s high desert for the benefit of wildlife and people. The conservation of this 320-acre property has enabled researchers from Oregon State University and East Cascades Audubon Society to experiment with habitat improvements to boost the long-term survival of greater sage-grouse in the region.
How: Volunteers will dig holes 1-2 ft wide x 7-8 long x 3 ft deep to accomodate a channel of piping and a larger bucketed den space based on successful models.
Volunteers will first meet coordinators at Brother’s Oasis Rest Area, drive 5 min to ODLT’s Brothers-Shaw property, then walk a quarter mile through sagebrush terrain with sand and large rocks, and pass over/through a barbed-wire fence. Tools and supplies will be provided, but personal items are welcomed.
Contact Brandon Palmer for additional details:
Oregon Desert Land Trust, 315 N Broadway Ave, Burns OR 977720
Cell phone: (541)-589-5646 or email:


October 2, 2024
10:30 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category: