Oregon Birding Site Guide

Welcome to the Oregon Birding Site Guide, with instructions for birding over 1,200 locations within Oregon’s borders. Revised in the fall of 2022, this user-friendly guide is organized by county. A click of the mouse provides searchable links to all the sites in the state, each county, or within a user’s designated range, and contains all the major birding locations visited by local birders. Each site contains its name, an interactive map, detailed location instructions, and directions via Google Maps, as well as pertinent associated links and a list of nearby sites that may round out a day’s birding. The guide describes the site’s habitat and suggests the kinds of birds that may be found there. Links to two kinds of checklists offer complete lists of birds seen in each county and printable checklists of the area’s most common birds. Icons indicate the best seasons to visit. Links are provided for eBird Hotspots, allowing access to the useful tools eBird offers, such as seasonal abundance charts, media searches, and species accounts. You do not have to be a registered member of eBird to use these tools.

In addition to being a site guide for birding the state, the ECBA website strives to be a portal for all things related to Oregon birding.  Here you will find links to current bird sightings, local bird blogs, a calendar of birding events and field trips, and bird projects and surveys in need of volunteer participation.  We hope this encourages you to visit many of the more distant areas of this state and take part in volunteer bird surveys.

The content of this site is largely the product of input by local experts and volunteer efforts by the Oregon birding community, who keep the site relevant and up to date.

Oregon State Birding Guide Acknowledgments

CURRENT STATE LISTING INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT https://oregonbirding.org/listing/