Prineville CBC
Prineville CBC – Tuesday, December 31st This count circle has extensive private land holdings with limited access. Consequently, it’s not the kind of count that requires a huge number of […]
Redmond CBC, Tuesday, January 2nd Contact: Mike Golden, 541-420-5814,
The Antone CBC is now scheduled for January 4th, 2025. This count straddles the county line between southeast Wheeler County and southwest Grant County. In addition to its eponymous town […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]
Wednesday Birders is a group of birders, birding, but not a traditional field trip with a named leader who always provides a guided field experience. Everyone helps everyone else, shares, learns […]