Bird Surveys
Deschutes Land Trust / ECBA Bird Surveys
ECBA and the Deschutes Land Trust (DLT) have partnered since 2000 on a long-term project to survey birds at DLT-protected lands. Over the years, thousands of hours have been logged by volunteers who conduct regular bird surveys to help monitor loc...
Vaux’s Swift Migration Survey
Since 2011, volunteers have gathered to count migrating Vaux’s Swifts (Chaetura vauxi) roosting in chimney sites in Bend. They begin counting early to mid-April (northward migration) and again in early to mid-August (southward migration). They s...
Lake Abert Coalition Bird Survey
Lake Abert, located in Lake County, is a unique inland saline lake that is critical migratory bird habitat for an estimated 3.25 million bird-use days per year. Some years, a quarter of the world’s population of Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalaropus ...
Summer Lake Shorebird Survey
Since 2009, 15 to 20 volunteers have gathered each spring at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Summer Lake Wildlife Area (SLWA) to count breeding waterbirds. Begun as a shorebird survey, it now includes all breeding waterbirds (gre...