Project Description
In 2003, landowners along Whychus Creek, noticed the nest of a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) on the canyon wall across the creek from their property. They monitored the nest and saw one of the chicks fledge. The site wasn’t used again until 2010. That year the mating pair of eagles, “Petra” and “Rocky,” hatched two chicks, one of which survived. Also that year, the first Golden Eagle cam in North America went online. Over the course of the next eight years, twelve eaglets fledged from this single nest site. This past year, in 2022, Rocky and Petra raised a single eaglet, Stormy, who fledged successfully on June 29.
Why We Do This and What We Have Learned
Tens of thousands of people watch the Golden Eagle Cam each breeding season. Children from classrooms and organizations have named each year’s eaglets.
What Volunteers Do
The camera is maintained and operated by a small group of volunteers, some of whom have been working on the project for over a decade.
In addition to volunteering, the public can make donations to the Golden Eagle Camera. Donations are used to buy bandwidth and maintain equipment.
Project Focus Areas
- Community Engagement
- Bird Conservation
- Activism/Advocacy
Would You Like to Volunteer?
Anyone interested in helping with any aspect of this project, should email ECBA at Please put “ECBA Golden Eagle Camera” in the subject line.
Other Projects
- Bluebird Nest Box Project
- Cabin Lake Bird Blind
- Deschutes Land Trust / ECBA Bird Surveys
- Don and Lowell Franks Nest Box Project
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Project Support
- Greater Sage-Grouse Project
- Green Ridge Raptor Survey
- Highway Osprey Nest Monitoring
- Kestrel Nest Box Project
- Lake Abert Coalition Bird Survey
- Pinyon Jay Study
- Summer Lake Shorebird Survey
- Vaux’s Swift Migration Survey
- Whiskey Springs Restoration
- Winter Raptor Surveys