Trout Creek Swamp

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Go through Sisters on Highway 20 heading west. On the western edge of town take the McKenzie Highway (242) also heading west. A few miles west of town (past Cold Springs CG) turn to the left on Forest Service Rd 1018 (44.306460, -121.663661) marked to Whispering Pine Horse Camp and Scott Pass Trailhead and also sometimes known as Trout Creek Butte Road). After a few hundred yards fork to the left and continue up a gravel road for 4.4 mile to Whispering Pine Horse Camp (44.252770, -121.691402). Take the primitive trail south into the swamp. For a good side trip and a chance for Three-toed and Black-backed Woodpecker, continue south on FS 1018 for 2 miles (bird the blackened forest along this stretch) to the Scott Pass Trail Road (NF 1026 44.229578, -121.695428). Bird this entire road for woodpeckers, Sooty Grouse and other forest specialties.


Habitat and Birds

You will pass through manzanita scrub and burned/unburned pine forest on the way to the swamp. This is a good place to see Fox Sparrow, Lazuli Bunting, Green Tailed Towhee, Sooty Grouse and Mountain Quail. This area burned in 2006 and should be checked for woodpeckers. At the northern end of the swamp there is a culvert where the river leaves the swamp and this is a good area for Hammond’s Flycatcher, Hermit Warbler, Lincoln Sparrow, Pileated Woodpecker, Willow Flycatcher and Ruffed Grouse.
