Glaze Meadow & Gobbler’s Knob

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Park Meadow Trail

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Calliope Crossing

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Eastern Access: Turn off Highway 20 just opposite Indian Ford Campground on a Forest Service road. Immediately there is a turn off to the left (302) but ignore this and continue to the right. After 0.1 mile there is another turn off to the right but ignore this and continue on the main track. After 0.2 mile there is a major turn off to the right. Continue by vehicle on the road heading NW for another 0.7 miles and turn to the left on a major track. This will take you very quickly down to the gate (with reflectors on it) at the corner of a small butte (Gobbler’s Knob) and Indian Ford Creek. Park here.

Western Access: Head down Cold Springs road (1012) from Highway 20 and after 0.9 miles turn right to Graham Corral. After 0.5 mile turn off to the right on 335 and this takes you onto the power line road. Keep following the power lines for 0.7 miles until you come to a major gate. Park here. Cross the gate and continue on the main track NW.


Habitat and Birds

The surrounding forest is good for White-headed Woodpecker (especially) close to the western access point. The small hill (Gobbler’s Knob) at the eastern access point has breeding Fox Sparrow and Green-tailed Towhee. The Black Butte Swamp has a variety of birds similar to Calliope Crossing including Swainson’s Thrush and Ruffed Grouse. Northern Goshawk is sometimes found here as well. It is currently the only place in Deschutes County to reliably find Veery and Swainson’s Thrush nest here in small numbers. To access the swamp from the eastern point of access, continue following the river around the edge of the rocky hill. Willow, Dusky, Hammond’s, Gray and “Western” Flycatchers can be found in the different habitats.


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