
Home » Birding Locations » Josephine County » Cave Junction Area

Oregon Caves - Bigelow Lakes

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Cave Junction

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Rough and Ready Creek Botanical Wayside

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Illinois River Forks State Park

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This area is on the map because of a one time sighting of California Thrasher. Located just 5 miles north of the California border on Hwy 199, the O’Brien area offers many side roads that allow access to National Forest Land. From O’Brien, travel west on Lone Mt. Road for one mile and the road forks. Go right (north) on Muddy Flats Road (paved) and travel for 1 mile. Turn left for a short distance and return south to Muddy Flats Road to make a quick, low elevation forest loop. Return to the fork in the road and take the left fork (Lone Mt. Road) which takes you to higher country while following the west fork of the Illinois River (Set your odometer at the fork. The California border is 8.3 miles away).


Habitat and Birds

Expect many of the same species listed in other locations but keep that thrasher in mind. Who knows, maybe you will be the one to find a California Thrasher or a Nuttail’s Woodpecker in this region.
