Amity – Rice Lane
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This small town is located six miles south of McMinnville on Hwy 99W. At the north end of Amity, turn east on Rice Lane (45.122005, -123.196310) and follow this road up the hill into the forest. As you begin to climb, stop at the newly restored oak woodland on the right. Further up, a spur road on the left cuts across the slope of the hill, providing fine views of treetops below the road. This road ends in less than a mile, but is well worth the time to check it out.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Rice Lane provides access to forest species in treetops. Along the lower flat portion of the road, look for Bullock’s Orioles, Western Tanagers, Lazuli Buntings, Lesser Goldfinches, Chipping Sparrows, and even Yellow Breasted Chat. At the oak woodland look for Bewick’s and House Wrens, Western Bluebirds, Acorn Woodpeckers, and perhaps a Lewis Woodpecker. Up the hill in the forest can produce birds such as Swainson’s Thrush, warblers, flycatchers, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Barred Owl, and more.
Nearby Birding Locations
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- Masonville and Muddy Valley Roads
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- Grand Island Greenway
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- Lafayette Area
- Briedwell Road and Sheldon Marsh
- McMinnville Airport Park (Galen McBee Airport Park)
- Broadmead Road
- Amity Bellevue Highway