Antelope Reservoir

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From Jordan Valley, travel 11.8 miles to Antelope Reservoir Road. Turn left (south) and go 1.5 miles to the reservoir.


Habitat and Birds

Large body of water. Waterfowl, waders, and shorebirds are the draw here. American White Pelicans, ducks, and coots are here in good numbers. Check the sagebrush on your way in for dry sagebrush species like Lark and Brewer’s Sparrows. 1995 was quite a year at Antelope Reservoir. In that year alone, Horned Grebe, Eurasian Wigeon, Tufted Duck, and Greater Scaup were all seen at this location. Other rarities include Marbled Godwit, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Dunlin, Stilt Sandpiper, (Contreras and Kindschy, OFO Publication #8)
