Cabin Lake

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Christmas Valley Raptors

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Summer Lake Wildlife Area

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Fremont Point (Winter Rim)

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East Bay Campground (Thompson Reservoir)

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Silver Creek Marsh Campground

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Duncan Reservoir

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Silver Lake

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Glass Butte

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Sycan Marsh

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Paulina Marsh

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Picture Rock Pass

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Location, Habitat, and Birds: Go to the Basin & Range Birding Trail. Click on the “Lake County Oregon” Link. Choose the “Maps” tool and open the Maps section. Preferred Route: Fort Rock is 65 road miles SE of Bend. From Bend, take Hwy 97 south to the community of La Pine. A mile and a half south of La Pine, take Hwy 31 east. Stay on this road for 29 miles and turn left (east) on Fort Rock Road. This will take you into the community of Fort Rock. From the town of Fort Rock (43.356141, -121.053807), take Cabin Lake Road north for 9.5 miles (Don’t miss a side trip to Fort Rock) to the Cabin Lake Ranger Station. Go just past the driveway to the ranger station and turn left on a dirt road. The road forks immediately. Stay left at the fork and follow the road around behind the ranger station (there are some large rocks in the road but careful driving allows most vehicles access). The first blind is easy to see from the parking area. A trail leads from the first blind to the second blind. The guzzlers are turned off during the winter to keep the sizable deer herd, that winters in the area, from drinking all the water and damaging the vegetation around the sites. The general time period the water is turned off is November 15 to early May. It should be noted there are two blinds at the site. The other is located at 43.489900, -121.059978

