Carr Slough – Graham Road

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Prescott Beach County Park

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Trojan Park

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Drive 0.9 miles north of Trojan Park (3.5 miles east of Raineer) turn east onto Graham Road. There is a small parking area just as you start on Graham Rd. on the south side. Graham Rd. is 0.4 miles long to the RR tracks.


Habitat and Birds

This is excellent duck habitat in the winter. It is a major wintering ground for Tundra Swan. Trumpeters can be mixed in as well. Scan tree tops for the local Bald Eagles. Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons can be thick at times. Congregations of Hooded Merganser can get north of 50 birds. The roadside kack is productive year round for passerines. Swallows are numerous in the spring and Purple Martins have been recorded here.
