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Columbia Gorge Hotel

Home » Birding Locations » Hood River County » Columbia River




From eastbound I-84, take Exit 62 onto US Route 30. Turn left at the top of the ramp onto Cascade Avenue. Cross I-84 and turn left onto Westcliff Drive. The Columbia Gorge Hotel is at 4000 Westcliff Drive, on the right side of the road. If coming from The Dalles, take exit 62 and turn right onto Cascade Avenue, then follow the directions above to the hotel. Columbia Gorge Hotel Website


Habitat and Birds

All of the distances once leaving the freeway are short – just 0.1 or 0.2 mi. Birders may park in the hotel’s parking lot for birding, but please be considerate and do not use parking spaces near the hotel’s entrance. You may want to try the restaurant, though, after exhausting the birding possibilities. On both sides of the hotel there are paved paths along the river. Waterfowl congregate in the quiet waters just below the hotel during the Winter season. Scaup can be particularly abundant in this area. The lush gardens provide good habitat for passerines at any season. The waterfall behind the hotel adds an interesting feature to the stop. Pileated Woodpecker may be found at times in larger trees surrounding the hotel grounds.


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