Bonney Butte
Hood River County | Mount Hood Area
Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Cascades Birding Trail. Click on the Trail Guide and choose the Mt Hood Loop Guide. Section 15.
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Hood River County | Mount Hood Area
Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Cascades Birding Trail. Click on the Trail Guide and choose the Mt Hood Loop Guide. Section 15.
...Hood River County | Columbia River
The proximity to the river provides birders with good possibilities for good birding. Tufted Duck was found here in 1995. Check out the Cascade Locks Marine Park. The surrounding hills south...
Hood River County | Columbia River
All of the distances once leaving the freeway are short – just 0.1 or 0.2 mi. Birders may park in the hotel’s parking lot for birding, but please be considerate and do not use parking spaces near the hotel’s entrance. You may want to try the...
Hood River County | Columbia River
This road travels through mixed forest along Eagle Creek. Look for Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, woodpeckers, Western Screech-Owl, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Swainson’s T...
Hood River County | Columbia River
This location is most famous for a Smew sighting but more expected species would include several duck species including Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common and Pacific Loon, Horned and Western Grebe, several gull species, and migrating passerines.
Hood River County | Columbia River
Migrants, shorebirds, and Larids are the big draw here. Also, big rafts of waterfowl in the river can yield some gems. Peeps of every kind turn up here as do Ring-billed Gulls, California Gulls, Caspian Tens, DC Cormorants and White Pelicans.�...
Hood River County | Columbia River
Riparian species are the attractions here. In summer, look for Downy Woodpecker, Western Wood-pewee, Bewick’s Wren, Common Yellowthroat, swallows, Black-headed Grosbeak, Bullock’s Oriole and many others. In winter, look for Black-cappe...
Hood River County | Mid-county Sites
Mountain species meet waterfowl at this location. In the fall, there is a chance for Surf Scoter and Hooded Merganser. Osprey, woodpeckers, Pacific Wren, Bald Eagle, Steller’s Jay, American Dipper and more.
...Hood River County | Mount Hood Area
A high elevation forest with forest species like Sooty Grouse, Mountain Quail, Hermit Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Townsend’s Solitaire are the main attractions here.
...Hood River County | Mount Hood Area
This beautiful mountain lake at the base of Mt. Hood is surrounded by mixed forest of mostly Douglas fir. Birds you might see here include Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Sooty Grouse, Green Heron, Spotted Sandpiper, woodpeckers (Hairy...