Coquille Point

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Bandon Dunes

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China Creek

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Face Rock Wayside

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Myrtle Point

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Seven Devils Wayside

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Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge/Riverside Drive

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Bradley Lake

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Bullards Beach State Park

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Coquille River/South Jetty

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Coquille River Valley

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Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge/Ni-les’tun Unit

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Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website.  Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail. Click on the South Coast tab and go to section 118. From downtown Bandon, take Hwy 101 south. Turn right on 11th Street. Take this street to its end (it goes around some baseball diamonds but just stay the course) and park in the parking area.


Habitat and Birds

Access the beach and check out the rocks for Harlequin Duck, Rock Sandpiper, Black Oystercatcher and  nesting Common Murre and Pelagic Cormorants.  Listen and look for Black Turnstone (winter).  Watch for migrating shorebirds in Spring and Fall.  Gulls, cormorants, alcids, and gulls can be scoped from here as well. Chestnut-sided Warbler was found in this area in 1974.
