Cottonwood Canyon State Park

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Van Gilder Road

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Wasco and Wasco Sewage Ponds

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Monkland Lane

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DeMoss Park

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Moore Road

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Gordon Ridge Road

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When coming from I-84, take Exit 104 south to Hwy 97 at Biggs Jct. Travel 8.7 miles to Hwy 206. Turn left (east) on 206 and travel 17 miles to the John Day River. Look for signs to the park. When coming from the south, take Hwy 97 north out of Madras and travel 85 miles to the junction of Hwy 97 and Hwy 206. Turn right (east) and follow directions above.


Habitat and Birds

Look for White-throated Swifts and Cliff Swallows on the big cliff north of the campground. Listen for Chukar, especially early in the morning and late in the evening. Gray Partridge is possible here too. A collection of low brush and tall cottonwoods attract migrants and a few residents. Passerines include Bullock’s Oriole, several warblers, House Wren, vireos, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush, Western Tanager, and several flycatchers. It’s a good place to find Northern Flickers and an occasional Barn or Great Horned Owl. Rarities include Summer Tanager, Cackling Goose, and Northern Saw-whet Owl.
