Gordon Ridge Road

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This is generally a side trip off of Van Gilder Road. In Moro, take 4th Street and travel NW to the edge of town. The road becomes Van Gilder. Take Van Gilder for 2.8 miles to Gordon Ridge Road. This road travels along a ridgeline that is wild and can produce sagebrush species. Stay on Gordon Ridge until the road bends to the north and away from the ridge. Turn around at this point and return to Van Gilder. (You can continue on for a couple of miles and then turn left on Gordon Canyon Road to find a small riparian area before the road hits private land.


Habitat and Birds

Shrubby hillside. Gray Partridge and Chukar are the major draws for this ridge. Sparrows like Lark Sparrow and Brewer’s Sparrow are found here too.
