Gold Lake

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Go to the Oregon Birding Trails website. Choose the Cascades Birding Trail. Click on the “trail guide” and choose the Three Sisters Loop Guide. Section 96.

The road into Gold Lake (about a half mile west of Willamette Pass) is often blocked by snow until late spring or even early summer, so check on road conditions before going there.


Habitat and Birds

Three-toed Woodpeckers are a specialty here. Nests have been found, at times, in the campground proper and along the road into the lake. For woodpeckers, look especially in areas close to the campground and along the road into the campground.  Also the trail across the bridge from the main camping area that heads toward Bobby Lake. The trail behind the bulletin board at the day use parking lot goes to Marilyn Lakes, which has been productive for woodpeckers and other high elevation specialties.  Clark’s Nutcrackers are also here. In fall, White-winged Crossbill is a remote possibility. American Dippers can normally be seen from the bridge.  Solitary Sandpipers bred in the marsh habitat at the far end of the lake in the middle 1980’s and one was found again in 2010.  Northern Waterthrush have also been found singing in the same marsh habitat.

Bring mosquito repellent.
