Hampton Station

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Hampton is 59.3 miles east of Bend on Hwy 20. The agricultural fields west and east of Hampton are the main draw here. Starting about 7 miles west of Hampton, these fields are raptor magnets. It’s worth the drive from Bend to see this amazing raptor gathering.

Side trips include Harmon Road (7.2 miles west of Hampton 43.728572, -120.358141), Lizard Creek Road (4.9 miles west of Hampton 43.712015, -120.317907) and Schrader Road (0.5 miles east of Hampton 43.669748, -120.230759)


Habitat and Birds

Agricultural lands. This is a prime area for wintering raptors such as Prairie Falcons, Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks. In summer search for Swainson’s and Ferruginous Hawks. If you happen to be in this area during the fall or spring migration, check the trees around the station. Some unusual migrants have been seen here (Chestnut-sided Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow, Northern Mockingbird). Long-billed Curlew and Short-eared Owl have been observed in this area as well.
