Kelly Point Park

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Kelly Point Park is located in North Portland at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers and is 2.5 miles west of Smith and Bybee Wetlands.  This location can be a promising migrant stop and is good for both water and land birds.  From I-5, take exit 307 onto Marine Drive and go west for 4.6 miles.  Go past Smith and Bybee and look for Kelly Point Park Road on your right.  Take this road about a half mile to the parking area.


Habitat and Birds

This area is a mix of heavy woods and open grassy areas so it serves the needs of many species.  It’s proximity to the river makes it an ideal migrant location in the spring and fall.  Both Canada and Cackling Geese can be found in the open areas and just about every kind of waterfowl imaginable could be spotted from the beach.  Anna’s Hummingbirds are present year-round while the Rufous Hummers visit only in the warm months.  Ten species of gull have been noted here and Bald Eagles are common.  Five species of woodpeckers are joined by Willow Flycatchers and WW Pewees in the woods.  Bushtits, creepers, chickadees, sparrows, and a surprisingly long  list of warblers can all be found here.  Rarities here include Sabine’s Gull, Brown Pelican, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
