King Mountain

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Coyote Creek Wetlands

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King Mountain is in the very NE corner of the county and is over 5000 ft tall so winter access is not recommended. When you reach the top, everything to the east is Jackson County. Douglas County is only 1 mile north of there. To access King Mountain, one should have a Medford District BLM map and back-road navigating skills. There are many forest road intersections on the routes to King Mountain. Two approaches can be used. One approach is to follow directions to Coyote Creek Wetlands (in preceding section) up Coyote Creek Road and continue past Coyote Creek Wetlands using the Medford BLM Transportation Map to reach King Mountain. The other approach is to leave I-5 one exit North of the Wolf Creek exit at the Speaker Exit 78. Go west up Speaker Road (which follows Wolf Creek) and continue past Speaker up Bummer Gulch to King Mountain using the Medford District Transportation Map.


Habitat and Birds

Some of the birds you might see on the mountain are Sooty Grouse, Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawk, Hairy Woodpecker, Steller’s Jay, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Townsend’s Solitaire, Wrentit, Fox Sparrow, and Red Crossbill. Cassin’s finch have been observed here multiple times and Green-Tailed Towhee can be found during breeding season.

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