Lafayette Area

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Deer Creek Flats Road

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Masonville and Muddy Valley Roads

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Broadmead Road

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McMinnville Rotary Park

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Grand Island Greenway

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Deer Creek County Park

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Valley View Retirement Village

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Briedwell Road and Sheldon Marsh

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Amity Bellevue Highway

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McMinnville Airport Park (Galen McBee Airport Park)

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Amity - Rice Lane

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Yamhill Locks Park (45.230336, -123.103158) is reached from Locks Loop Road on Hwy 99W on the east side of Lafayette and should be birded if you have time. The sound of water rushing over the abandoned locks can make ear-birding difficult, but this is a good location for riparian species. Also near Locks Loop Road on 99W is a dairy farm. Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe (45.281796, -123.094439) From 99W turn north onto Bridge St, which becomes Abbey Road. After 2.9 mi., the Abbey is on the east side, well marked with a sign. The buildings of the abbey sit close to a small pond at the base of a wooded hill. There are acres of fields, and a fenced vegetable garden. To walk the many trails on the property, it’s best to stop at the lodge across from the church and ask for permission and a map. Both are generally given. The map, unusual in its layout, is very helpful in navigating the trails. Stoller Road goes east from 7th Street in Lafayette past fields and ponds.


Habitat and Birds

Yamhill Locks is a good location for riparian species, including Belted Kingfisher. Great Egret has been seen at the dairy and Swainson’s Hawks were once found on nearby Stoller Rd. At the Abbey expect oak woodland. Hooded Merganser, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Common Raven, Western Bluebird, Fox Sparrow and have all been found here.
