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North Spit Coos Bay

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Lakeside is in Northern Coos County. It is just east of Hwy 101 about 10 miles south of Reedsport and about 10 miles north of the Coos Bay bridge. From Hwy 101 turn east on Airport Way and travel into Lakeside. Turn right on 8th Street and follow it to the end. Bird the mouth of 10 Mile Creek from this location. Backtrack a block and go one block east on Park Avenue to 10 Mile Boat Ramp Park. Bird the area around the parking lot and boat ramp. Go north one block and travel east on North Lake Road until it ends at a trailer park. Enter the park at Kings Row and take the first right to the lakeshore. is a good marshy area here that can be very birdy. Return to Kings Row and travel east until the road turns to dirt. Continue east into a forested area that opens into a marshy region. Bird this area as time allows. If you are adventurous, you can make the 2.5 mile hike along 10 mile Creek to the mouth and beach. Oregon’s first record for Dickcissel was found at Lakeside in 1979. A Great-tailed Crackle was here in 2005 and again in 2006. Starting back at 101 and Airport Way. Just east of this intersection go south on Wildwood Drive. This road goes under 101 and becomes Spinreel Road. Take Spinreel south for 0.8 miles past the 101 bridge and turn right across from the dune buggy place. Take an immediate left and follow this road to its end. Park here. You can follow the creek to the ocean but there is no set trail. On the south side of the parking lot a sand road begins where ORV use is permitted. You can walk or drive (four wheel drive only) up the road to the large open sand dune area, and continue west on the numerous small trails in the woods adjacent to 10 Mile Creek. There is no set path to take, but eventually the trails will lead west to the estuary at the mouth of 10 Mile Creek. Alternatively, you can walk or drive with four wheel drive on the blue marked Sand Road. The road leads southwest and ends at the ocean, about a mile or so south of 10 mile Creek estuary. There is no driving north on the beach, so you can park and walk north along the beach to the estuary. The estuary includes a large lagoon, marsh, and pond on the south side of the mouth of the creek. The area is an important nesting area for Western Snowy Plover. Please observe all signs and roped nesting area. During the breeding season stay away from the nesting area to reduce disturbance to the nesting plovers. This site can attract rare species such as Red-necked Stint in 2009 and Buff-breasted Sandpiper.


Habitat and Birds

This area is very productive for shorebirds and waterfowl, both during migration and in summer and winter.  This is an extremely reliable site for Snowy Plovers which can be found roosting in the wrackline year round.


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