Lookout Mt Road (NF 4410)

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This is a high elevation forest road with several hiking trails associated with it. This area should not be birded until the snow melts and roads are passble. There are several ways to get to this forest road. (Option 1) From Hood River, take OR 35 south for 26 miles (past Tamanawas Trailhead). Turn left on NF 44 (Brooks Meadow Rd.) near the Little John Snow Park. Go NE 3.8 miles to Lookout Mt Road near Clinger Spring Campground. Bird the road south at your liesure. (Option 2) From the jct. of Hwy 26 and Hwy 35 near Government Camp, take Hwy 35 north for 12.9 miles. Turn right on NF 44 (Brooks Meadow Rd.) near the Little John Snow Park. Go NE 3.8 miles to Lookout Mt Road near Clinger Spring Campground. (Option 3) From Dufur on Hwy 197, take the Dufur Valley Road (closed in winter) west for 23 miles to Lookout Mt Road.


Habitat and Birds

A high elevation forest with forest species like Sooty Grouse, Mountain Quail, Hermit Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Townsend’s Solitaire are the main attractions here.
