Lost Creek at Highway Falls
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Rogue River-Siskiyou NF, High Cascades RD.
From Roseburg take Hwy 138 east to MP 83.1. Turn R on Hwy 230 to Highway Falls at MP 8.9
From Prospect, 12.0 mi N on Hwy 62 to L on Hwy 230; from Hwy 62/230 junction, 8.9 mi N on Hwy 230 to Highway Falls parking area.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
There are numerus waterfalls and pulloffs to view the Rogue River. Hanamaker Campground and meadow turnoff is at MP 12.15 offers some different habitat. Several trails are in the area. Riparian along Rogue River. Old growth and mature conifer forest. Pacific-Slope Flycatcher, Pileated Woodpecker, Brown Creeper, American Dipper, Belted Kingfisher, Pacific Wren, Sooty Grouse and Common Merganser, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Hermit Warbler, and Swainson’s and Hermit Thrushes.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Rabbit Ears and Hershberger Mountain Access
- Big Camas Loop
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- Panther-Emile Loop SIDE TRIP #3 MOOSE MEADOWS (local name, not on any map
- Panther-Emile Loop APPLE FIRE SIDE LOOP
- Toolbox Meadows
- Illahee Flats
- South Umpqua Falls
- Panther-Emile Loop SIDE TRIP #4 GROTTO FALLS
- Diamond Lake and Sewage Ponds
- Toketee Lake
- Hemlock Lake
- Susan Creek Falls
- Carmen Lake
- Lemolo Lake
- Thorn Prairie
- Tiller Ranger Station