Matt’s Flats

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Reedsport Duck Pond

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Travel 2.1 miles north of the Gardiner Boat Ramp or 16.6 miles south of Florence to Sparrow Park Road. Take Sparrow Park Road (4.1 miles from the junction of Highways 101 and 38 in Reedsport). Take Sparrow Park Road to its end at the beach (about 4 miles and good birding along the way). Go down the beach (south) for about 1 mile and look for two posts that mark a trail. Follow this trail another 1.5 miles to the river and its mud flats. You either need a 4WD or ATV to get here or a 1.5 hour walk each way. The small creek just south of where you enter the beach is a roost spot for gulls and some shorebirds. The area south of the trail and in the deflation plain sometimes has wintering swans. Horned larks have been found in migration also. The area is very “birdable” by boat putting in at Gardiner or Winchester Bay. There are some nice mud flats only reachable by boat. Matt’s Flats is a local name. It was named by local birders for Matt Hunter so that name won’t be found on any map. The beach gives you access to the north jetty which is about 5 miles south.


Habitat and Birds

Mixed conifer (lodgepole pine, sitka spruce), some riparian, foredune, beach, mudflats

Shorebirds, sea ducks, cormorants, gulls, brown pelican, herons, olive-sided flycatcher, wrentit
