Millicoma Marsh

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Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website.  Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail.  Click on the South Coast tab and go to section 105. From Hwy 101, on the south end of Coos Bay, turn E onto Coos River/Allegany Rd (241), go 1.1 mi and turn L on D St. Continue two blocks and turn R (by the school) on 4th Ave. Go 500 ft and turn R on gravel road going downhill to small parking lot adjacent to a football field. The trailhead is located on the southeast side of the football field.


Habitat and Birds

There are several information kiosks along this short walk. This is a good site for wintering raptors including Red-shouldered Hawk, Northern Shrike , White-tailed Kite and Northern Harrier.  Several sparrow species are easily seen fall and winter, including White-throated and occasional Harris’, Swamp and Clay-colored. Other wintering species include: Yellow-rumped Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hutton’s Vireo, Varied and Hermit Thrush and Black Phoebe. Spring and Fall Migrant species include shorebirds, passerines, and flycatchers.
