Muleshoe Recreation Area
From Prineville, Oregon, follow Highway 26 east for approximately 46 miles to the town of Mitchell. At Mitchell, turn north onto Highway 207 and follow for approximately 25 miles to the intersection of Highways 207 and 19. At the intersection, turn west (right) and follow for approximately 2 miles. Mule Shoe is located on the south side of the highway between mileposts 80 and 81. This location is 2.0 miles east of the town of Service Creek on Hwy 19.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
This is another opportunity to access the John Day River. Yellow-breasted Chat, Bullock’s Oriole, Bank Swallow and other riparian birds are possible. Bohemian Waxwings have been seen here.
Nearby Birding Locations
- John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Clarno Unit
- Hancock Field Station
- Bear Hollow County Park
- Burnt Ranch Campground
- Julia Henderson Pioneer Park
- Girds Creek Road
- Kimberly Area
- Fossil (Town)
- Spray (Town)
- Shelton Wayside Park
- Clarno Road
- Twickenham Area
- Bear Hollow
- Cottonwood Creek Road
- Hoover Creek Road/Hoover Creek Reservoir
- Rowe Creek Reservoir
- Priest Hole
- Butte Creek Road
- Winlock Road
- Pine Creek Conservation Area
- Umatilla National Forest
- Robinson Canyon - Pine Creek Conservation Area
- Clarno BLM Boat Ramp
- Shady Grove Rest Area
- Kahler Basin Road
- Fossil Sewage Ponds - Farm Pond
- Butte Creek Summit
- Service Creek
- Rowe Creek Road
- Fossil Sewage Ponds